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Blue 2 Media

"It's about the 3 E's; engage, entertain, & educate."


--Christine Merser, Blue 2 Philosopher

Writer, Women's Advocate, Film & TV Reviewer,  Backgammon Competitor

Our Sectors

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Audio & Visual

"We think of Blue2 Media's audio video arm as vehicles carrying the publishing material."   

                                              Christine Merser, Blue 2 Media Creator 

There are lots of vehicles for sending out your message, your product and your servies. The data is undisputable, audio and visual is not to be ignored. Our team loves creating your vision through vlogs, video, stories, podcasts, and film.  

Our definition of publishing includes sending out fact and fiction in the variety of vehicles now available to communication point of view, creative thought, and your own version of story telling. 

Open Textbook in Library

"Publishing is more than the written word,  including books and blasts, and blogs. So many platforms now to tell your story. We service them all."  Christine Merser, Blue2Media Creator 

Image by Arnel Hasanovic
Social Media

"No more every platform for every client. We are more focused on the right platforms for every client. Sometimes more is just more, not better."  Christine Merser, Blue 2 Media Creator 

Not every platform is for every client. For 2024, our message is to 'focus on the platform right for your product or service.' While we do social media for some of our clients, we believe giving our clients the tools they need to best present their brand, products and services on the platforms best suited to their end game, is the right way to go. 

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